College Location

Mobile : 8668573213

Aditya Dental College, Beed – 431 122 (Maharashtra)

About College

About Us

In order to bridge the gap between the ever increasing demands of Dental personnel in developing areas and wide spread oral diseases and dental problems,

An initial step taken by a great visionary Subhashchandrajisardasaheb , who nurtured a strong conviction to provide the best of education to the society today has resulted in a strong educational realm the “ADITYA EDUCATION TRUST”  has established ADITYA DENTAL COLLEGE AND HOSPITAL in 2006, with an intake of 100 B.D.S. students per year. The college has all the specialized dental preclinical and clinical departments as stipulated by Dental Council of India (DCI). All the departments are adequately staffed and equipped as per the norms prescribed by DCI for conducting effective undergraduate & post graduate training.
Adequate Dental Laboratory facilities are provided for training of undergraduates & postgraduate and also for undertaking research. College also provides extension OPD services to nearby villages via camp which are also attended by the students and interns under supervision of senior staff. 
The Dental College was affiliated to Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik. The College and courses offered are recognized by Dental Council of India.

The aims and objectives of the college are:

  • To impart value based high quality Dental education to the students of Maharashtra and other states.
  • Increasing awareness amongst the masses about dental hygiene. Schools and rural population of the state will be covered in phases.
  • Providing cheap and easy access for dental care to the masses.
  • Interaction with other colleges and institutes for update in technology, management and research work.
  • Management of every kind of emergencies, which includes, dental medical and surgical.
  • Referral centre for ailments other than dental disease. Patients will be given proper advice about the management of other ailments even if they are not related to dental problems.



Year of Inception




Student Intake

100 Students each year


In consultation with

Dental Council of India, Government of India, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Vide their notification # V-12017/110/2005/-DE dated 06/10/2006.



Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik Maharashtra


Commencement of
Post Graduate Course



PG Student Intake

10 Student each year



SardaEststeNalwandi Naka near Pimpalner road Beed Maharashtra 431122



College Board

Founder Chairman

Shri. Subhash Chandraji Sarda

Honorary Director

Dr. Aditi Subhash Chandraji Sarda

Executive Director

Shri Sharadji Sarda


Dr. M Justin Robert

Vice Principal

Dr. Himanshu Srivastava